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PV-TEC Remodel

Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
East Side of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Southwest corner of PV-TEC as 04/30/2024
Front Entrance of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Front Entrance of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath southwest corner of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath the southwest corner of Remodel of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath east side of the Remodel of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Northeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Northwest corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southwest corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Northwest corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/12/2024
Interior walls with a contractor painting the far wall
Interior Room with industrial equipment on the floor and cords hanging from the ceiling
Cafeteria lights covered for painting with paint supplies on the floor
Interior room with blue paint on the wall with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Construction supplies stacked in boxes in the large open room
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/24/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 6/24/2024
Interior room with stacks of sheetrock on the floor
Interior room with stacks of sheetrock on the floor
Interior room with construction supplies on the floor
Interior room with a purple wall and construction supplies on the floor
Interior room with green wall with construction supplies on the floor
Southeast corner for PV-TEC Remodel as 07/16/2024
South east corner of the PV-TEC remodel as of 07-16-2024
Interior Room with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Interior Room with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Cabinets installed against a blue wall
Interior Room with an open ceiling and construction supplies on the floor
Cabinets waiting to be installed in a room with a blue wall
Stacks of carpet squares in the large open room
East exterior of PV-TEC
North side of exterior of PV-TEC
North exterior side of PV-TEC
Southeast exterior of PV-TEC
East side exterior PV-TEC
Looking in the CNA classroom with nursing beds and skeleton wearing a flannel shirt
Inside the CNA classroom with nursing beds educational supplies scattered on the floor
Nursing Assistant classroom from the teachers desk perspective
Classroom tables setup with educational supplies in boxes
Classroom with purple accent wall with tables and stacks of chairs.
Large classroom setup conference style
Classroom with blue accent wall with tables and stacks of chairs and ladder
Large empty classroom with blue accent wall and cabinet installed
Empty large carpeted area
North side exterior PV-TEC
Construction supplies on the floor of the large open room facing a conference room with a glass window showing blue chairs around a table.
Southeast corner exterior PV-TEC
Inside the exterior of PV-TEC
Construction supplies clutter the large room in PV-TEC
Carpet square stacked in PV-TEC
Lobby desk being built in PV-TEC
PV-TEC logo laying face down backwards
The letters of the sign spelling out Portneuf Valley Education Technical Career & Campus laying face down and backwards
The blank space outside the front of PV=TEC that will hold the signage.
Wide shot straight on of the completed signage
Close up shot of the new signage
Angle shot showing the PV-TEC signage and the blank space for the PCSD 25 sign
Low shot shooting up at the signage with tall grass covering the plywood over the entrance
Paper template of the Chubbuck District 25 portion of the outdoor signage
Tables and chairs set up in the CNA classroom
Stacks of construction supplies and carpet squares in the large area
Carpet installed in the cafeteria with yellow lights hanging from the ceiling.
Skeleton holds up the EMT sign in the window of the Fire Fighting classroom.
Dummies lie strapped to gurneys in the Fire Firefighting/EMT classroom.
Firefighter turnouts and other EMT classroom supplies are stacked on tables in the classroom.
Desks are being installed in the Fashion, Textiles and Design classroom
Tables and chairs and medical room beds, sinks and other medical equipment are set up in the Medical Technician classroom.
CNA beds are spaced out along the wall behind the tables and chairs that are set up in the CNA classroom.
Letters laying on table in random order that spell Pocatello.
CNA - Mental Health Pharm Tech Ms. Parker Welcome sign on the classroom door. Our Facilities are hands on learning, engaging opportunities, and community partners. Workplace readiness certifications. 208-235-6807 | |
Horse heads and other boxes of veterinary classroom supplies
Letters laying on table in random order that spell Chubbuck and School.
Veterinary tables and a tv display on the wall behind the tables.
Wide shot of the signage area showing the PV-TEC logo signage that was installed the previous week and the template of the sign currently being installed.
An empty classroom with a blue accent wall and cabinets with a tv display on the wall.
Close shot of the halfway progress point showing Chubbuck above District 25.
Wide shot of the hallway with classroom at the end of the hall
Wide shot of the signage area showing the PV-TEC logo signage and the District letters after installation.
Battery dummies and other law enforcement supplies in the classroom.
Tight shot of the finished signage that says Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25.
An unfinished classroom that has cabinets on the wall top half of a wall, but only angles on the bottom half of the wall. No carpet installed.
Tight shot of the finished signage that says Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25.
Metal framing in the new addition
Metal framing in the new addition.
Mrs. Chrys Dayley taking attendance in her classroom.
Horse heads sitting on the floor in the Vet Tech classroom.
Mr. Brood addressing his class in the EMT and Firefighting classroom.
Ms. Kristina Jordan shows her learners how to access their Health Professions Google Classroom.
Welcome to Programming and Cybersecurity classroom sign
Mr. Adams addressing his class.
Hallway under construction with classroom signs for Law Enforcement and Animal Science Vet Tech
Mrs. Jennifer Parker addresses her Mental Health class.
Chantel  Reddish addressing her class
Learner being greeted at the front door of PV-TEC by Amber Cose
Ms. Christie Stuart introduces herself to her class in the CNA classroom.
New PV-TEC Sign in full color, green and white, on the south exterior wall of the building
Hallway sign illustrating that Room 153 is Workroom. Signage has a green background with dark gray for the room number and light gray for the room name.
Unfinished work room with some cabinets installed, but some cabinets that still need to be finished.
Fashion Textile & Design classroom with finished desks and classroom supplies in boxes on top of the desks.
Finished hallway to the classroom pods. Carpet and glass windows and doors installed.
Finished classroom with cabinets, carpet and tv installed.
New PV-TEC Sign in full color, green and white, on the south exterior wall of the building
The CNA classroom skeleton dressed in construction hardhat, bright orange safety vest, a toolbelt with level and tape measure with the arm on a sign that says Caution: We are working on it.
Large open are with fewer construction supplies in it.
Two learners in the English as a second language classroom working on Chromebooks.
Southeast corner of the exterior of the building with scaffolding for stucco
Finished classroom with the lights off, but the TV display on.
Learners working in small groups in the Health Professions classroom.
Vet Tech tables and chairs in the large room waiting to be delivered to the Vet Tech classroom.
The reception area with finished cabinets.
Fashion Textile and Design finished desks.
Glass interior doors installed.
Medical Assistant tables/beds in the classroom.
Plywood being installed to create interior walls in the new extension of the building.
Southeast corner of the exterior of the building with scaffolding for stucco
Plywood being installed to create interior walls in the new extension of the building.
Cabinets installed in a unfinished classroom.
Hallway under construction with classroom signs for Law Enforcement and Animal Science Vet Tech
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Hours head mounted on a table with animal kennels against a wall in the background.
Fabrics stacked on fabric cutting table with threads on spools and irons in the background
Fashion, Textiles & Design desk finished with classroom supplies in boxes on the desks
Classroom doors have been installed at Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Jones classroom with their sign outside the door.
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Insulation in a interior unfinished wall on the north side of the building
Cafeteria with new kitchen equipment ready to be installed
CNA classroom with a mannequin strapped in a bed and empty tables and chairs in small group settings.
More science tables in the corner of classroom.
Mannequin in fire turnouts holding a yellow fire helmet with back boards and other fire & EMT equipment lining the back of the classroom.
Fewer construction supplies in the large conference area that has been used for staging equipment.
New lockers still shrink wrapped, tables with drawers, pallets and other boxes of equipment waiting for installation
In the fitness classroom, there is more fire equipment, backboard, weight scale, and other fitness equipment still in boxes.
Glass doors installed at the main entrance of the building
Construction equipment in the large conference area
 Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Long shot of the exterior of the building showing the south side of the exterior of the building with workers on the roof installing security cameras
Close shot of the matching stucco from the original to the new stucco.
Brand new wheelchairs in boxes in the fitness classroom.
Scaffolding on the east side of the exterior of the building
 Wide view of the north side of the exterior of the building
Vet Tech classroom with science tables set up and chairs in a classroom lecture style
 Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
An axolotl, a giant salamander in a fish tank
Plywood framing of internal walls and metal framework of a half wall in the middle of the room
A shopvac in the middle of an unfinished framed classroom in the extension of the building
Sinks in the unfinished kitchen area
Learners at computers in the Cybersecurity class
Vet Tech learners listen to Ms. Hatch
Animal x-rays hang in the window of the Vet Tech classroom
Learners at computers in the Cybersecurity class
Learners work together at computers in the Cybersecurity classroom
Learners working on an assignment at computers in the Cybersecurity classroom
Chairs and tables are stacked in an unused classroom
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
Doors have been hung.
Wide view of the south side of the exterior of the building
Construction equipment in a plywood framed classroom in the new extension of the building
Equipment in the unfinished kitchen area
Wide view of the south side of the exterior of the building
Plywood framework of a new classroom in the new extension of the building.
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Ladder laying on the floor of an unfinished classroom
A bank of new lockers still shrink wrapped
Installation in pile inside of plywood framed room that has two newly installed garage doors
Plywood framed unfinished room with stacks of classroom chairs and other construction equipment.
Plywood framing in the internal walls and drywall framework of the half wall in the middle of the room
Glass doors have been completely installed at the main entrance
Blue furniture in the corner of the large conference room area
The main entrance foyer with glass double doors on three walls.
Glass interior doors are completely installed at the main entrance.
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Tables and other equipment stacked in the large conference room area.
Wide shot of the main entrance of PV-TEC include all three signs on the building's south side.
Wide shot of the glass doors from the exterior of the front entrance. Dirt leveled where new sidewalk and concrete pad will be poured.
Glass doors from the exterior of the front entrance. Dirt leveled where new sidewalk and concrete pad will be poured
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building with two newly installed garage doors
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the north side of the exterior of the building
Picture of ladder next to a plywood framed unfinished wall
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building
Interior shot of the two newly installed garage doors on the north side of the building
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Law Enforcement learners taking notes in notebooks.
Picture taken through the glass windows of Vet Tech learners listening to instruction.
Construction supplies on the floor in a room with drywall.
Insulation showing in a classroom with drywall be installed.
Chairs up on tables in the classroom with ladders and cables being run through the ceiling tiles.
Construction supplies on the floor of classroom with plywood walls.
Construction supplies in a unfinished classroom/office area.
Ladder in the kitchen with a cooking fire suppression hood hanging from ceiling.
Boxes of supplies stacked in the cafeteria.
Unfinished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
Front Exterior with KIND signs that say We are Family and We are More Together.
Cabinets installed in classroom/office space that is still under construction
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building with two newly installed garage doors
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
Nearly finished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
A new hallway is being constructed on the east side of the new extension
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Construction classroom with wood boards on saw horses.
Vet Tech classroom with dividers between medical technician setups to give the appearance of separate exam rooms.
Cafeteria area with piano stored in it.
Cafeteria area with kitchen and lunch room equipment in boxes
New ADA compliant sidewalks have been poured.
Entry area complete with tv monitor in the glass doors with green illuminated Exit sign above them.
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Conference room with a large table and blue chairs and a couple of tv monitors on the walls visible through the glass window.s
The breakroom sign on a two-tone gray background with green highlight behind it.
Three tall tables in the windows of the breakroom.
The large conference space with new carpet.
Several shorter tables with blue chairs around them. and Ice machine and recycle bin in the back corner of the room. An unfinished cabinet with a sink and the pipes exposed because the cabinet is yet to be installed.
Seven microwaves in cubby areas with kitchen cabinets all around.
A tall table and two chairs in the cutout area in the wall allowing for a more private space.
Blue furniture and 30 tables in racks of ten and at least 192 chairs in 6 racks of 32 each
New cement has been poured in front of PV-TEC
Unfinished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Closer view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
View of the southeast side of the exterior of the building with the parking lot dirt grated flat ready to be poured.
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
A post in the PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/12/2024 that says Pocatello Chubbuck School Portneuf Tech/Career RF3-1 Col Out A1
Hall showing missing ceiling tiles with a ladder and extension cord
Interior entry hallway with a new wall and open ceiling tiles
Classroom hallway with a ladder
Entry hallway in PV-TEC
Hallway cluttered with educational equipment
The signs laying on the ground in front of the faccia where it will hang. The sign guys drilling holes in the stucco where the sign will hang.
The base of a steel beam with Pocatello Chubbuck School Portneuf Tech/Career RF2-4 66 written on it.
Blue chairs surround the large conference room table in the conference room.
Red Caution tape across the door to the Fashion & Textile classroom with unfinished desks in the background..
Finished hallway with carpet.
Front hallway with new kitchen equipment on the floor waiting to be installed.
Fashion Textiles & Designs big green cubby table.
Unfinished hallway entering new exterior extension of the building.
Finished hallway with carpet.
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Construction supplies in an unfinished classroom
CNA skeletons in a black wig, dress and hold black heels in hand, and the other skeleton in a white helmet and blue bears 28 jersey with white football pants
Fire equipment at the front of the classroom; fire helmet, air tank.
Scaffolding in front of the new stucco on the southeast corner of the building
Looking in the south side of the exterior of the building
Learners listen to Mrs. Housley in the Fashion, Textiles & Design class.
A learner measures the length of a skirt on her Chromebook which illustrates multiple measurements of lengths of skirts.
Scaffolding near tile work being completed
Cardboard on the floor of the kitchen area.
Lockers still in boxes stacked in a hallway.
Vet Tech learners focused on work on their Chromebooks.
New ADA compliant sidewalks have been poured.
 A new hallway is being constructed on the east side of the new extension
First page of the PDF file: PV-TEC_Invitation2024_digital_082824Cover
Portneuf Valley Technical Education & Career Campus

We are excited to showcase the expansion of the Portneuf Valley Technical Education and Career Campus (PV-TEC) and all it has to offer our region. 

As construction nears completion, we have decided to postpone the grand opening celebration to make the most of some unforeseen delays. This decision reflects our commitment to prioritizing that every aspect of the facility is ready to shine as we prepare the campus to support our learners' educational and career goals. 
We look forward to announcing a new date for the celebration in spring 2025. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Think Learn Be MORE TOGETHER Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25



Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Closer view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
View of the southeast side of the exterior of the building with the parking lot dirt grated flat ready to be poured.
New ADA compliant sidewalks have been poured.
New ADA compliant sidewalks have been poured.
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
A new hallway is being constructed on the east side of the new extension
 A new hallway is being constructed on the east side of the new extension
Nearly finished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
Unfinished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Vet Tech learners learning about administering subcutaneous shots using needles
Vet Tech classroom with dividers between medical technician setups to give the appearance of separate exam rooms.
Construction classroom with wood boards on saw horses.
Cafeteria area with piano stored in it.
Cafeteria area with kitchen and lunch room equipment in boxes
Entry area complete with tv monitor in the glass doors with green illuminated Exit sign above them.
Conference room with a large table and blue chairs and a couple of tv monitors on the walls visible through the glass window.s
The large conference space with new carpet.
The breakroom sign on a two-tone gray background with green highlight behind it.
Three tall tables in the windows of the breakroom.
Several shorter tables with blue chairs around them. and Ice machine and recycle bin in the back corner of the room. An unfinished cabinet with a sink and the pipes exposed because the cabinet is yet to be installed.
Seven microwaves in cubby areas with kitchen cabinets all around.
A tall table and two chairs in the cutout area in the wall allowing for a more private space.
Blue furniture and 30 tables in racks of ten and at least 192 chairs in 6 racks of 32 each
New cement has been poured in front of PV-TEC


Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building with two newly installed garage doors
Cabinets installed in classroom/office space that is still under construction
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
Construction supplies on the floor in a room with drywall.
Construction supplies on the floor of classroom with plywood walls.
Insulation showing in a classroom with drywall be installed.
Unfinished classroom with cabinet installed below internal windows above.
Lockers still in boxes stacked in a hallway.
Vet Tech learners focused on work on their Chromebooks.
Law Enforcement learners taking notes in notebooks.
Picture taken through the glass windows of Vet Tech learners listening to instruction.
Chairs up on tables in the classroom with ladders and cables being run through the ceiling tiles.
Boxes of supplies stacked in the cafeteria.
Cardboard on the floor of the kitchen area.
Construction supplies in a unfinished classroom/office area.
Ladder in the kitchen with a cooking fire suppression hood hanging from ceiling.
Front Exterior with KIND signs that say We are Family and We are More Together.


Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building with two newly installed garage doors
Wide view of the northeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the north side of the exterior of the building
Picture of ladder next to a plywood framed unfinished wall
Interior shot of the two newly installed garage doors on the north side of the building
Installation in pile inside of plywood framed room that has two newly installed garage doors
Ladder laying on the floor of an unfinished classroom
A bank of new lockers still shrink wrapped
Plywood framed unfinished room with stacks of classroom chairs and other construction equipment.
Scaffolding near tile work being completed
Plywood framing in the internal walls and drywall framework of the half wall in the middle of the room
Blue furniture in the corner of the large conference room area
Tables and other equipment stacked in the large conference room area.
Glass doors have been completely installed at the main entrance
Glass interior doors are completely installed at the main entrance.
The main entrance foyer with glass double doors on three walls.
Glass doors from the exterior of the front entrance. Dirt leveled where new sidewalk and concrete pad will be poured
Wide shot of the glass doors from the exterior of the front entrance. Dirt leveled where new sidewalk and concrete pad will be poured.
Wide shot of the main entrance of PV-TEC include all three signs on the building's south side.


Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the south side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the south side of the exterior of the building
Looking in the south side of the exterior of the building
Plywood framing the internal walls and drywall framework of two half walls in the middle of the room
Construction equipment in a plywood framed classroom in the new extension of the building
A shopvac in the middle of an unfinished framed classroom in the extension of the building
Plywood framework of a new classroom in the new extension of the building.
Vet Tech learners listen to Ms. Hatch
Animal x-rays hang in the window of the Vet Tech classroom
Doors have been hung.
Chairs and tables are stacked in an unused classroom
Equipment in the unfinished kitchen area
Sinks in the unfinished kitchen area
Learners listen to Mrs. Housley in the Fashion, Textiles & Design class.
A learner measures the length of a skirt on her Chromebook which illustrates multiple measurements of lengths of skirts.
Learners at computers in the Cybersecurity class
Learners at computers in the Cybersecurity class
Learners work together at computers in the Cybersecurity classroom
Learners working on an assignment at computers in the Cybersecurity classroom


 Wide view of the north side of the exterior of the building
Wide view of the east side of the exterior of the building
 Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
 Wide view of the southeast side of the exterior of the building
Scaffolding on the east side of the exterior of the building
Scaffolding in front of the new stucco on the southeast corner of the building
Close shot of the matching stucco from the original to the new stucco.
Long shot of the exterior of the building showing the south side of the exterior of the building with workers on the roof installing security cameras
Plywood framing of internal walls and metal framework of a half wall in the middle of the room
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Metal framework of interior rooms under construction
Insulation in a interior unfinished wall on the north side of the building
Construction supplies in an unfinished classroom
Vet Tech classroom with science tables set up and chairs in a classroom lecture style
Hours head mounted on a table with animal kennels against a wall in the background.
An axolotl, a giant salamander in a fish tank
Fashion, Textiles & Design desk finished with classroom supplies in boxes on the desks
Fabrics stacked on fabric cutting table with threads on spools and irons in the background
Classroom doors have been installed at Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Jones classroom with their sign outside the door.
More science tables in the corner of classroom.
Cafeteria with new kitchen equipment ready to be installed
CNA skeletons in a black wig, dress and hold black heels in hand, and the other skeleton in a white helmet and blue bears 28 jersey with white football pants
CNA classroom with a mannequin strapped in a bed and empty tables and chairs in small group settings.
Fire equipment at the front of the classroom; fire helmet, air tank.
Mannequin in fire turnouts holding a yellow fire helmet with back boards and other fire & EMT equipment lining the back of the classroom.
In the fitness classroom, there is more fire equipment, backboard, weight scale, and other fitness equipment still in boxes.
Brand new wheelchairs in boxes in the fitness classroom.
Fewer construction supplies in the large conference area that has been used for staging equipment.
New lockers still shrink wrapped, tables with drawers, pallets and other boxes of equipment waiting for installation
Construction equipment in the large conference area
Glass doors installed at the main entrance of the building


New PV-TEC Sign in full color, green and white, on the south exterior wall of the building
New PV-TEC Sign in full color, green and white, on the south exterior wall of the building
Southeast corner of the exterior of the building with scaffolding for stucco
Southeast corner of the exterior of the building with scaffolding for stucco
Unfinished hallway entering new exterior extension of the building.
Plywood being installed to create interior walls in the new extension of the building.
Plywood being installed to create interior walls in the new extension of the building.
Cabinets installed in a unfinished classroom.
Hallway under construction with classroom signs for Law Enforcement and Animal Science Vet Tech
Hallway sign illustrating that Room 153 is Workroom. Signage has a green background with dark gray for the room number and light gray for the room name.
Unfinished work room with some cabinets installed, but some cabinets that still need to be finished.
Finished hallway with carpet.
Finished hallway with carpet.
Fashion Textile & Design classroom with finished desks and classroom supplies in boxes on top of the desks.
Finished hallway to the classroom pods. Carpet and glass windows and doors installed.
Finished classroom with cabinets, carpet and tv installed.
The CNA classroom skeleton dressed in construction hardhat, bright orange safety vest, a toolbelt with level and tape measure with the arm on a sign that says Caution: We are working on it.
Two learners in the English as a second language classroom working on Chromebooks.
Finished classroom with the lights off, but the TV display on.
Learners working in small groups in the Health Professions classroom.
Medical Assistant tables/beds in the classroom.
Fashion Textiles & Designs big green cubby table.
Large open are with fewer construction supplies in it.
Vet Tech tables and chairs in the large room waiting to be delivered to the Vet Tech classroom.
The reception area with finished cabinets.
Fashion Textile and Design finished desks.
Front hallway with new kitchen equipment on the floor waiting to be installed.
Glass interior doors installed.

08-22-2024 First Day of School

Learner being greeted at the front door of PV-TEC by Amber Cose
Welcome to Programming and Cybersecurity classroom sign
Chantel  Reddish addressing her class
Hallway under construction with classroom signs for Law Enforcement and Animal Science Vet Tech
Mr. Adams addressing his class.
Horse heads sitting on the floor in the Vet Tech classroom.
Mrs. Chrys Dayley taking attendance in her classroom.
Red Caution tape across the door to the Fashion & Textile classroom with unfinished desks in the background..
Mr. Brood addressing his class in the EMT and Firefighting classroom.
Ms. Christie Stuart introduces herself to her class in the CNA classroom.
Ms. Kristina Jordan shows her learners how to access their Health Professions Google Classroom.
Mrs. Jennifer Parker addresses her Mental Health class.


Paper template of the Chubbuck District 25 portion of the outdoor signage
Letters laying on table in random order that spell Pocatello.
Letters laying on table in random order that spell Chubbuck and School.
Wide shot of the signage area showing the PV-TEC logo signage that was installed the previous week and the template of the sign currently being installed.
Close shot of the halfway progress point showing Chubbuck above District 25.
Wide shot of the signage area showing the PV-TEC logo signage and the District letters after installation.
Tight shot of the finished signage that says Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25.
Tight shot of the finished signage that says Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25.
Stacks of construction supplies and carpet squares in the large area
Horse heads and other boxes of veterinary classroom supplies
Veterinary tables and a tv display on the wall behind the tables.
An empty classroom with a blue accent wall and cabinets with a tv display on the wall.
Wide shot of the hallway with classroom at the end of the hall
Battery dummies and other law enforcement supplies in the classroom.
An unfinished classroom that has cabinets on the wall top half of a wall, but only angles on the bottom half of the wall. No carpet installed.
Metal framing in the new addition
Metal framing in the new addition.
The base of a steel beam with Pocatello Chubbuck School Portneuf Tech/Career RF2-4 66 written on it.
Tables and chairs set up in the CNA classroom
Carpet installed in the cafeteria with yellow lights hanging from the ceiling.
Skeleton holds up the EMT sign in the window of the Fire Fighting classroom.
Dummies lie strapped to gurneys in the Fire Firefighting/EMT classroom.
Firefighter turnouts and other EMT classroom supplies are stacked on tables in the classroom.
Desks are being installed in the Fashion, Textiles and Design classroom
Tables and chairs and medical room beds, sinks and other medical equipment are set up in the Medical Technician classroom.
Blue chairs surround the large conference room table in the conference room.
CNA beds are spaced out along the wall behind the tables and chairs that are set up in the CNA classroom.
CNA - Mental Health Pharm Tech Ms. Parker Welcome sign on the classroom door. Our Facilities are hands on learning, engaging opportunities, and community partners. Workplace readiness certifications. 208-235-6807 | |


Wide shot straight on of the completed signage
Close up shot of the new signage
Angle shot showing the PV-TEC signage and the blank space for the PCSD 25 sign
Low shot shooting up at the signage with tall grass covering the plywood over the entrance


The blank space outside the front of PV=TEC that will hold the signage.
The signs laying on the ground in front of the faccia where it will hang. The sign guys drilling holes in the stucco where the sign will hang.
The letters of the sign spelling out Portneuf Valley Education Technical Career & Campus laying face down and backwards
PV-TEC logo laying face down backwards


East side exterior PV-TEC
North side exterior PV-TEC
Southeast corner exterior PV-TEC
Inside the exterior of PV-TEC
Construction supplies clutter the large room in PV-TEC
Carpet square stacked in PV-TEC
Lobby desk being built in PV-TEC
Entry hallway in PV-TEC
Hallway cluttered with educational equipment
Looking in the CNA classroom with nursing beds and skeleton wearing a flannel shirt
Inside the CNA classroom with nursing beds educational supplies scattered on the floor
Nursing Assistant classroom from the teachers desk perspective
Classroom tables setup with educational supplies in boxes
Classroom hallway with a ladder
Classroom with purple accent wall with tables and stacks of chairs.
Large classroom setup conference style
Classroom with blue accent wall with tables and stacks of chairs and ladder
Large empty classroom with blue accent wall and cabinet installed
Empty large carpeted area
Construction supplies on the floor of the large open room facing a conference room with a glass window showing blue chairs around a table.


East exterior of PV-TEC
North side of exterior of PV-TEC
North exterior side of PV-TEC
Southeast exterior of PV-TEC


Southeast corner for PV-TEC Remodel as 07/16/2024
South east corner of the PV-TEC remodel as of 07-16-2024
Interior Room with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Interior Room with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Cabinets installed against a blue wall
Interior Room with an open ceiling and construction supplies on the floor
Cabinets waiting to be installed in a room with a blue wall
Stacks of carpet squares in the large open room


Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/24/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 6/24/2024
Interior room with stacks of sheetrock on the floor
Interior room with stacks of sheetrock on the floor
Interior room with construction supplies on the floor
Interior room with a purple wall and construction supplies on the floor
Interior room with green wall with construction supplies on the floor
Interior entry hallway with a new wall and open ceiling tiles


Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/12/2024
A post in the PV-TEC Remodel as of 06/12/2024 that says Pocatello Chubbuck School Portneuf Tech/Career RF3-1 Col Out A1
Interior walls with a contractor painting the far wall
Hall showing missing ceiling tiles with a ladder and extension cord
Interior Room with industrial equipment on the floor and cords hanging from the ceiling
Cafeteria lights covered for painting with paint supplies on the floor
Interior room with blue paint on the wall with a ladder and construction supplies on the floor
Construction supplies stacked in boxes in the large open room


Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC Remodel as of 05/28/2024


Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Southwest corner of PV-TEC as 04/30/2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath southwest corner of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath the southwest corner of Remodel of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Underneath east side of the Remodel of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Front Entrance of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024
Front Entrance of PV-TEC as of 04/30/2024


Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Northeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
East Side of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024
Southeast corner of PV-TEC as of 04-16-2024


Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024
Interior of PV-TEC as of 02-29-2024


Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Interior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023
Southeast corner of exterior of PV-TEC as 05-26-2023