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PV-TEC Bus Schedule

Tuesday - Friday Monday (PLC Day)
8:30am Bus departs HS 8:30am Bus departs HS
8:50am Arrive at PV-TEC 8:50am Arrive at PV-TEC
12:19pm Depart PV-TEC 11:45am Depart PV-TEC
12:45pm Bus arrives at PV-TEC 12:19pm Bus arrives at PV-TEC
3:25pm Bus departs PV-TEC 2:23pm Bus departs PV-TEC


Parents can now view bus assignments in Infinite Campus

The bus assignment information is available in the transportation tab on Infinite Campus for those learners whose primary address is within the appropriate school boundary and are eligible for transportation services. Due to staffing shortages, we encourage families to try and locate this information using the directions provided prior to calling for assistance. 

Locate my learner’s bus assignment:

Step 1: Login to Infinite Campus and click the “More” tab

Screenshot Login to Infinite Campus and click More tab

Step 2: Click on the Transportation Tab

Screenshot Click on Transportation Tab

Step 3: View your learner’s bus assignment

Screenshot View learners bus assignment

View your learner’s bus schedule/bus stop:

From the district’s website, enter your learner’s primary address on the district’s interactive 24/25 Enrollment Boundaries and Bus stops map to locate your learner’s bus stop times. This can also be accessed from the transportation department page. Scroll down to locate the “enrollment maps and bus stops.” Select the appropriate map for your learners, Elementary School, Middle School or High School. The link will take you to the interactive “enrollment boundaries and bus stops” map. Input your learner’s primary address as it is listed in Infinite Campus and then select the bus icon to view the bus route details.

Screenshot 23-24 Enrollment Boundaries and Bus Stops map

Questions? Please contact the PCSD 25 transportation department at 208.235.3227.