Courses are offered based on demand, teacher availability and certification.
Business students are encouraged to join Business Professionals of America (BPA).
Business Technology Instructors
Business Technology Courses
30774 Principles of Insurance - 1 Trimester – HHS 11 12
Prerequisite: Business Management I
Students will learn about the most common forms of insurance i.e. life, renters and homeowner’s, disability, auto, and health. Students will also learn the importance of risk-management, dealing with workplace risk, and planning for retirement. Careers in the insurance industry are examined and career opportunities will be explored. Students will begin to create a networking system with local insurance agencies for possible job opportunities after completion of high school. Students who complete this program of study will be required to take a technical skill assessment. BE 0350 State code 121060
30141 Principles of Marketing - 1 Trimester – NHHS/PV-TEC 10 11 12
Prerequisite: Business Computer Applications I
Students will learn about the world of business, how advertising dollars are spent, and how companies determine sales strategies. This is a project-based class. Students will have the opportunity to create marketing plan and a marketing project relating to school or real world applications. State code 121640
30121 Business Essentials - 1 Trimester - Repeatable once each year - PV-TEC 9 10 11 12
Prerequisite: Membership in Business Professionals of America (BPA)
This course provides students with the opportunity to gain leadership skills create and present information to small groups, select and work on BPA competitions. This course also engages in service projects. State code 120010
30301 Business Career Experience - PV-TEC 11 12
Prerequisite: A Business Capstone Course
Students will complete a work experience at a local or approved business. The experience must be monitored by the workplace coordinator. State code 121480
30511 Business Computer Applications II - 1 Trimester – PV-TEC 11 12
Prerequisite: Business Computer Applications I
A course designed to build on the skills and knowledge established in Business Computer Applications I. Information and data management, retrieval, merging, and presentation represent the framework of the course. Students will learn how to use word processing, spreadsheet and database skills on practical, real-life projects. Students will also learn how to use publication software to design flyers, brochures, business cards, etc. Students will learn to create a basic website page including inserting graphics, video, and music. By the end of this course, students will be ready to take the Microsoft Office Specialist exams in Excel and Publisher. State code 100051