Courses are offered based on demand, teacher availability and certification.
Education Assistant Instructor
Education Assistant Pathway
#36141 |
#41983 |
#41987 |
Education Assistant Courses
36141 Parenting and Child Development - 1 Trimester – CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 10 11 12
This course is great for anyone that anticipates spending time with children in an occupation or personal life. Class emphasis is on parenting skills and choices, pregnancy and prenatal development, and stages in child development. This course is designed to strengthen parenting and guidance skills, positive family relationships, and safety and health practices. Students will learn to evaluate child care services and to explore careers related to young children. FCCLA activities will be integrated into this course. State Code 222514
41983 Education Assistant A/B – 1 Trimester 2-hour block – HHS 11 12
Prerequisite: Parenting and Child Development
Education Assistant Following an orientation period, students are assigned to an elementary classroom where they assist the teacher and have the opportunity to try out the role of a teacher. This is a one trimester 2-hour block course prepares individuals for further education opportunities at the postsecondary level in paraprofessional or teacher education programs. Students work one on one with students, assist with academic progress and support the classroom teacher’s instructional, behavioral and management plans. Students work on developing self-management, communication, social and organizational skills needed to enter the education field. State Code 191510
41987 * Education Assistant Advance A/B – 1 Trimester 2-hour block – HHS 12
Prerequisite: Education Assistant A/B
This course is one trimester 2-hour block. This CTS capstone course prepares students for gainful employment and/or entry into postsecondary education in the Education and Training pathway. Content provides students the opportunity to apply the marketable education related skills they have acquired by assuming greater responsibilities in the education experience. Parenting and Child Development, and Education Assistant are prerequisites for this course. State Code 191511